Yardstick Ranks Ashton Training Services Among the Best
Yardstick is a full-service testing provider with the most stringent standards. Through its partner providers including Vancouver-based
ATS,it offers test delivery around the world at the very highest levels to ensure test-owners can establish the best possible experience for test-taking candidates.
Why Organizations Need Testing Service Providers
Under most circumstances, organizations only allow individuals to apply for and receive a designation or credential after successful completion of a test that is specific to that organization’s focus and standards. The best tests can help organizations ensure they are awarding credentials and designations to the right people by eliminating candidates without the necessary competencies and knowledge.
This necessary culling of candidates is only possible when tests, test centres and test delivery are all in alignment to create the environment necessary for the most accurate, fair and specific test delivery. As a partner of Yardstick, Ashton Testing Services has been rated as “exceptional” for four quarters in the years: 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020. This rating proves Ashton Testing Centre’s status as a top-performing Yardstick associate test centre when compared to other test centres across Canada.
The Strength of Yardstick and Ashton Testing Centre Working Together
The relationship between Yardstick and Ashton Testing Centre is a natural fit given that both organizations have the same expectations when it comes to outstanding test delivery. Ashton Testing Centre is National College Testing Association (NCTA) certified and centres that earn this certification are held to the highest professional standards and guidelines in the testing industry. NCTA certification is just the start as this is a baseline requirement for a testing centre to be part of the Yardstick group of associate testing centres.
The Scope of Yardstick’s Offerings
Yardstick offers psychometrics, exam administration (often through partners like Ashton Testing Centre), exam delivery software and more. This full-service view allows Yardstick to deliver everything a test-owner would need for any exam now or in the future.
Psychometrics: According to Yardstick’s website, psychometrics is the science of designing, planning, and implementing defensible assessments. This allows for the creation of testing that is fair, reliable and defensible from the planning of an exam all the way through to reporting. Psychometrics are complex, but Yardstick shares this knowledge freely with clients to ensure tailored testing solutions. Each project undergoes a seven step, industry-best practices, process known as the Yardstick Assessment Lifecycle.
Exam administration: Ashton Testing Services is part of Yardstick’s comprehensive exam centre network that allows test owners to choose testing locations that meet the needs of organizations as well as test takers. Ashton Testing Services offers testing through its centralized Vancouver location that is safe, secure and controlled to maintain the utmost level of fairness and efficacy in test delivery.
Cheating is controlled through a variety of methods required by the test-owner, Yardstick and Ashton Testing Services. With in-person proctors and administration techniques to eliminate loopholes that less-scrupulous people would exploit, Ashton and Yardstick can deliver fair and honest testing situations.
Proctors and administrators at Ashton Testing Services facilities are qualified, experienced professionals. These individuals are trained to manage any exam scenario that may come up whether its a small number of candidates or a full room of test takers. Yardstick also provides training to ensure these professionals are always aware of the most current technologies and standards in the testing environment.
Exam booking through Yardstick and Ashton Testing Services is done seamlessly so that candidates are directed to the information they need to register for an exam and receive the details required for exam day. Test owner organizations will often have specific testing requirements which will be provided to test-takers along with any facility-specific requirements.
Exam delivery software: In order to make the booking and service-system seamless, Yardstick has created Yardstick Measure – a software solution that works for test owners throughout the entire exam process from creation to reporting. The software is robust enough to store candidate accounts, facilitate exam bookings and can even help generate exams. This gives test owners flexibility to offer exams through Yardstick partners like Ashton Testing Services or through the software itself which allows test takers to make notes, access pre-approved resources and more. It will even detect collusion. When exams are complete, marking and reporting are also conducted within the software.
Expertise in Testing from Yardstick and Ashton Testing Services
Together with Yardstick, Ashton Testing Services is offering the most complete testing services possible in Vancouver, BC. Test owners can trust in the process of test creation, parameter setting and delivery for a completely standardized system of testing.