TCF Canada Test Registration

About the TCF Canada

TCF Canada

What is the TCF Canada test?

The “Test de Connaissance du Français” for Canada, or TCF Canada, is a French-language proficiency test that meets the standards of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Click here for TCF test FAQs.

Who should take the TCF Canada test?

Any individual, regardless of his or her nationality and native language (including French citizens and citizens of Francophone countries), who would like to initiate the process for permanent economic immigration to Canada or Canadian citizenship through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

TCF Canada Test Format

TCF Test consists of four mandatory parts. It evaluates general French language proficiency in listening comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking and writing.

There are 39 multiple choice questions for listening comprehension; 39 multiple choice questions for the reading comprehension with only one correct possible answer; 3 speaking tasks, organized according to a progressively increasing level of difficulty; and 3 writing tasks, also with a progressively increasing level of difficulty. The levels correspond to the benchmarks specified by the European Framework for Language Learning, Teaching and Evaluation, as well as the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB).

TCF Canada and TCF Quebec Preparation Resources: Click here

Upcoming TCF Canada dates

TCF-Canada next sessions: Registration deadline:
June 7th Saturday - 9:00 am
June 15th Sunday - 9:00 am
June 21st Saturday - 9:00 am
July 12th Saturday - 9:00 am
July 20th Sunday - 9:00 am
July 27th Sunday - 9:00 am
Aug 24th Sunday -9:00 am
Aug 31st Sunday - 9:00 am

Register for TCF Canada


Vous êtes-vous déjà présenté(e) au TCF?* Oui | Non





*Données figurant sur l’attestation de résultats: en cas d’erreur non signalée le jour du test, la réimpression de l’attestation sera facturée $35

Pour être complet, votre dossier doit comporter: ce formulaire complété et le paiement (à effectuer auprès d’Ashton Testing Centre de Vancouver, par téléphone ou sur notre site internet). Assurez-vous que les nom et prénom sur la pièce d'identité que vous apporterez le jour de l'examen (passeport, carte d'identité, permis de conduire) soient les mêmes que ceux que vous inscrivez sur ce formulaire.

L’examen consiste en 4 épreuves obligatoires: 1 - compréhension orale; 2 - compréhension écrite; 3 - expression écrite;4 - expression orale. Le TCF Canada se déroule sur ordinateur.

Je certifie avoir pris connaissance des modalités d’inscription et des conditions de passation et déclare les accepter.

Je reconnais avoir pris connaissance des conditions générales de vente (disponibles sur le site Les droits d’inscription au TCF ne sont pas remboursables. En cas de maladie du candidat, il vous sera demandé de fournir un certificat médical qui vous permettra éventuellement de reporter vos droits d’inscription à la session suivante.

Je certifie sur l’honneur l’exactitude des renseignements fournis. Les données recueillies sur cette fiche d’inscription sont utilisées à des fins administratives et ne seront pas divulguées à un organisme tiers.

TCF-Canada:  Price
exam: listening + speaking + writing + reading $395

TCF Exam Registration Agreement

By checking the box, you agree to the following terms and conditions for registering and participating in the TCF exam:

  1. Non-Refundable Fees
    • ID requirements- Passport, Driver’s license and state /Provincial ID will be accepted- we do not accept electronic or photo copies
  2. Date of Birth Accuracy
    • If you entered an incorrect date of birth during registration, you must inform us immediately before we register you for the TCF exam.
    • Corrections to your date of birth will not be made on the day of the exam.
  3. Date Change Policy
    • A date change is permitted within 30 days from the original exam date. Example: If your original exam date is November 15th, you must select a new date on or before December 15th.
    • No exceptions will be made to this policy.
  4. Re-Evaluation Requests
    • Requests for re-evaluation must be submitted within 30 days of receiving your exam results.
  5. Booking Another Session While Awaiting Re-Evaluation Results
    • If you book another session while waiting for your re-evaluation results, the TCF fees for the new session will not be refunded, even if your scores improve.
  6. Minimum Gap Between Exams
    • There must be a gap of at least 30 days before booking another TCF exam, regardless of the location.
  7. ID Requirements
    • Accepted forms of identification include:
      • Passport
      • Driver’s license
      • State/Provincial ID
    • Electronic or photocopied IDs will not be accepted under any circumstances.

By checking this box, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

Des frais de 75.00$ non remboursables seront retenus en cas de demande de changement de date de test jusqu'à une semaine avant la date limite d’inscription. Les frais d'inscription ne seront pas remboursés en cas d'annulation.

Pay for your TCF

Credit Card

Expiry Date

Card Security Code *